Patreon Monthly Mini Story
Santa's Naughty Helper | Patreon Monthly Story

Merry Christmas to you all, and may you all have a very happy New Year!
"This... is a little weird," John said. His wife, Kelly, kept smiling as she lowered the festive green-and-red blindfold down over her husband's eyes.
"Tis the season, honey!" she said. The cheer in the woman's voice was unmistakable and just as garish as the skimpy Mrs. Clause outfit she now wore. Her tight rump wiggled high on the bed as she tightened the final bow behind her husband's red-capped head - the perfect present for the evening.
"Hmmm, will I get to at least unwrap you a little bit?" John blindly groped toward's his wife's fur-bordered bra, but all his fingers grasped were the next pair of silken ribbons she quickly circled around his wrists.
"Nu-uh, naughty boy. No opening your presents till Santa's little helper has come!"
"Heh, I thought you were Mrs. Clause this year..." Only John's wry grin showed beneath his blindfold as his wife secured both his hands high up on the headboard. For a moment the cattish grin on her lips faultered - had she slipped up? But after a twitch of her husband's cock, as bare as the rest of him, she regained her cool Christmas composure.
"Santa has lots of helpers. Particularly his loyal, loving wife..."
She wrapped her fingers around his cock and gave it a few slow tugs. No longer limp and soft as figgy pudding, his fleshy mast rose high in mere seconds in her palm. Despite his reservations, Santa's second head was more than happy to be his wife's present this year. Satisfied with his response, Kelly slapped down a big red bow right above his turgid member.
"There! All done!" Kelly clapped her hands through her girlish giggle. John tested his restraints and moved his head as if to look down at his now properly decorated crotch.
"No wrapping down there?" he asked and smirked again, "You going for another little present to open up in September like last year?"
"Mmmm, maybe~" Kelly replied with a little kiss straight to her husband's cockhead. The suggestion definitely had its effect on John. The whole length of his member pulsed, no doubt remembering last year when Santa stuffed his wife's stocking with his babymaking load. It drooled in approval, its tip more succulent than a sugared plum, and it took everything the woman had to not start licking him like the season's first candy cane.
"But first, you wait right here." Kelly straightened up with some effort and backed up her short skirt and knee-high polished boots till she gripped the frame of the door. "Mrs. Clause has one more little surprise to get before getting to your yuletide log..."
John sighed and blindly sent her off with a teasing thrust of his hips. It nearly buckled her legs, but only a trickle of wetness streaked down the woman's red lacy panties instead. She turned the corner and smiled at the final piece to her plan that would definitely put them all on the naughty list for life.
"You ready, Lisa?"
The blonde woman nodded, her hands clasped tightly together beneath her own fur-lined green bra. It was a cautious but eager nod, but one that shook the little bells attached to her green elf cap and silken garter belt. She stopped, shocked by the festive sound her own naughty outfit made.
"Is this - Kelly, are you sure this is okay? He's your husband..." she hissed, her voice barely larger than a mouse. But Kelly nodded, without a moment of hesitation.
"I'm so okay with this I can hardly wait!" Kelly whispered back, her smile bright enough to light up even the dark hallway. Still her best friend glanced back towards the baby's room, then over Kelly's shoulder towards the livingroom window - back towards her own house across the street.
"But what if my husband calls. What if-"
"What if this year he doesn't give you the present you've wanted ever since I met you? Again?" Unabashed, Kelly reached out to her friend's supple belly. It was flat, flat like it had been since they met in college. Flat and toned, without the subtle rounding that now graced Kelly's own. Lisa swallowed, and the sleighbells around her fertile hips gave a knowing shake.
"He's... trying..." Lisa mumbled. Not even she was convinced, and Kelly would have none of it. Her new baby sleeping soundly in the next room needed a playmate, and Lisa was going to make that playmate - one way or another! Kelly grabbed her friend by the shoulders and pressed herself up tight against her. Their bellies touched, and a knowing shudder of desire passed through Lisa despite her words.
"My husband tried too, last year. Once. During this very time of year. I'm not asking for much, Lisa. Just, you know... make a baby with my husband. Please?"
"Okay. Okay! God, jesus... this is so wrong. What is John going to think?"
"He won't even know the difference - and neither will your husband, you'll see! In fact, all we're going to give you is a very, very Merry Christmas this year. Now - shhh!"
A quick press of her lips silenced the last remaining protests out of her friend. Where Lisa trembled with uncertainty, Kelly vibrated with excitement. They broke the kiss silently, then Kelly pranced up behind her friend to whisper in her ear.
"Now, Santa's waiting for his naughty little helper..." she said, and gave her a firm push. Stumbling into the master bedroom, Lisa barely caught herself on the foot of the bed to the sound of her elfish bells sounding out.
"Ahh, sleigh bells, eh? Is my little helper going to take a sleigh ride tonight?" he teased, flexing his hips again. In all the time of his waiting for his wife to return his erection hadn't gone down. Still his veiny cock throbbed and drooled with precum in want of tight, fertile pussy. Only tonight, it wasn't going to be his wife's.
Lisa gasped into her clasped hands. Kelly watched her friend from the doorway, her eyes absolutely frozen on her husband's big dick all unwrapped and waiting with a bow - just for her. Sneaking up behind her dumbfounded friend, she whispered ever so softly into her ear.
"I told you he's big," Kelly sighed and petted down her friend's bare belly, "And he's going to fill out your whole chimney tonight..."
Lisa trembled. No doubt such a big cock frightened her, considering what she was so used to with her own husband. But despite the shiver in her arms and legs, there was a growing warmth between her thighs - one that Kelly helped herself to feeling with the slow stroke of her hand. Her fingers were already drenched in her own excitement too.
Then, much more gently this time, Kelly nudged her friend forward. Carefully and silently, Lisa meekly crawled onto the bed. Her eyes darted from John imposing member to his blindfolded face. His smirk only grew as he felt the weight of his woman straddling over him. Except it wasn't his woman, not yet at least...
Kelly moved aside to watch the show from the edge of the bed. Never before had she been there, at the sidelines, about to watch her beloved husband nail another woman. Only in her naughtiest fantasies had she imagined it happening. Now her best friend in the world was on her knees, hovering her desperately fertile pussy just inches above her husband's drooling member.
"Go on," she mouthed to Lisa. But her friend kneeled above him, transfixed, unsure. No doubt the heat of his bare cock was already searing between her loins, reminding her of how real this all was now. The bells about her emerald garter belt barely tinkled with the quiver of her hips, and the bell on her cute green cap sounded with the unsure shake of her head.
A little more encouragement was needed for Santa's little helper, Kelly reasoned.
The scrape of Kelly's red-painted nails up Lisa's stocking-clad thighs brought out a jolt from the woman. Before she could turn to look though, her friend's moist fingers were already playing across her slit. The only thing between Lisa and the virile cock beneath was the festive green of her delicate thong. And very gently, Kelly hooked her chin over her friend's shoulder and slowly peeled aside the wet, velvety cloth from her friend's pink present.
"Your little helper is ready, Santa..." Kelly cooed, and pulled Lisa down onto her husband's ready shaft. The naughty elf had to bite her lip to keep from yelping, but John was vocal enough for the both of them as his wife's friend clamped down with all her shock around his cockhead.
"Oooh ho ho, you're really wet this year. And tight!"
A blush dashed across Lisa's face, as well as the crests of her breasts. But gone were the doe-timid eyes and shifting gaze. Now her eyes screwed shut, an arch raised on her brow as her fingers grasped tight at her stockings at the huge intrusion. None of the sex with her own husband over the years had prepared her to take a package that big. Kelly licked her lips. The struggle on both of their faces was sweeter than sugarplums to her.
"Santa's gonna fit... right up his helper's chimney..." Kelly didn't have to work hard to labor her breaths in lieu of her silent friend. One of her hands urged down Lisa's shoulders while the other snuck fast beneath the red of her own thong. The subtle schlicking of her own sex was obscured however by her husband's grunts as Lisa's tight twat slid down his thick pole.
Then, a clap of flesh amid the jingle of Lisa's sleigh bells. Her ass settled at last on John's thighs while his member went snug into its warm bed inside her. John moaned loud and rutted up into the shocked woman astride him, just to bury in that last half an inch up against her ready cervix. Another clap of flesh, and another jingle of the bells.
Kelly could have squealed with delight! Despite being filled with more cock than she'd ever had, Lisa managed to stay as silent as a mouse. Her mouth hung open and her neck craned back as luxurious pressure was fast turning to a smoldering pleasure. With a kiss on her cheek and a slap on her ass, Kelly gave her naughty pair the final bit of encouragement they needed to go on their way.
"Santa... empty your sack all into your helper's stocking tonight!"
John tossed his head with an eager growl, a half-caged beast in all but his hips. While Lisa still tried to adjust to the girth of the man who would breed her, John started his eager strokes. A flurry of strikes drove up into her, each knocking both balls and garish bow against her tender loins and rump. Each staccato of flesh slapping flesh came with the rattle of Lisa's innocent bells, marking each moment John plunged his bare cock right up to her hungry womb.
It was a sight. Kelly felt numb, save for the hot cream spilling down over her pumping knuckles. Her own pussy twinged at the sight of her best friend's sex struggling to contain her monster of a husband. It dragged at every withdrawal, as if about to turn her fertile channel inside out, before her own hips slammed back to meet his own. Yes, he'd turned something on inside the shy housewife, something Kelly knew to the point of feeling the phantom impacts even inside her own belly as she watched her husband unwittingly cheat on her.
That could have made her cum on the spot, but Lisa was already there. Arching back like an overstrung bow, she breathed in deep - a howl ready to explode from her overwhelmed body. Kelly lunged, a moment too late to catch all of her friend's yowling cry into the palm of her hand. The bells rattled on, shuddering along with Lisa's frantic rubbing up against John's finally-pinned hips.
"God, so tight - and throaty. You sound so... different tonight."
Kelly's heart leapt into her throat. Still Lisa was squirming, dancing like a sugarplum on her husband's buried cock. Even with her knuckles white from holding back her dying moans, she had to give her husband something. Something to distract him. When finally Lisa settled back to a half-stunned silence, Kelly dared to speak.
Lisa dipped forward, her heavy breasts coming to press snugly against John's unaware face. The woman, still dazed from her own sudden climax, stared back wide-eyed at her best friend. But Kelly persisted, pressing between her shoulders all the more to smother John's doubts with her big, snowy globes. And for the moment at least, all that came from John was a surprised and heavily-muffled moan.
"Keep going," she mouthed at Lisa. She didn't have to look back to know from the gentle jingle that she'd gotten back to her one-stud sleigh ride. But she did anyway. The woman's sumptuous ass rose and fell, a steady but quickening pace. Silent in that steamy night, her married hole made a subtle schlicking with each pass down John's southernmost pole. No doubt remained that her married twat had stretched three sizes more this day!
But Lisa gripped the sheets again, another throaty moan barely suppressed by the bite of her lips. John had her tit in his mouth, tonguing and lapping across her sensitive nipple before popping it whole past his lips. Then, a suckling the kind which could make Kelly cum all by itself. Lisa, whose pussy already smucked lewdly about John's extramarital meat, didn't stand a chance.
"Ahhh, you're cumming so hard honey," John groaned from about her breast. Lisa's overtight pussy squeezed on him like a vice, rippling as the woman's hips jingled once again a maddening timbre from her uncontrollable spasms. But however tight her chimney became, John still stuffed his whole impossible girth into her right to her blazing, fertile hearth within.
But John's brow furrowed. His lips clasped about Lisa's other breast, slathering it with his tongue before latching on with his thirsty lips. The woman quivered, oblivious to anything but the sensation of feeding her own hungry mouths. But John had noticed something.
"Hmm? Our little guy must have been thirsty tonight..."
Again, Kelly's heart nearly leapt from her chest. Lisa's build may have been just like hers, from her frame and weight all the way to her sumptuous tits, but there was one thing the dazed housewife lacked: A newborn baby. Quickly the naughty Mrs. Claus pulled Lisa back off her husband's face, a string of saliva stretching far from her reddened tip before snapping across her heaving chest.
"Mm-mm, I've always got more milk for Santa!" Kelly replied close to Lisa's starry-eyed face. As she spoke for her naughty little helper, she peeled down her white and red bra and caressed her own swollen mountains. And with a quick squeeze she sent twin sprays of her fresh, warm milk across her husband's bare chest. Lisa stared at that delicious white spattering, longingly gripping her own yet-unfilled tits. Kelly had to bite her lip hearing the jingling from her friend's fertile hips renew again with even greater urgency.
"Yesss," Kelly stroked herself along with those cheerful tinkles, faster and faster now that Lisa's sleigh ride was reaching its peak. "Now spray your frosting all up inside this hot cookie. This horny oven needs it all to make me a fresh batch!"
As she spoke her other hand, dripping with her own cream, rubbed along Lisa's flat tummy. Hard shocks rippled through her with every falling stroke she made, but all the more when John answered the baker's calling. Planting his heels into the bed, he hammered up into Lisa like a piston. Wailing out again with a lusty mewl, Lisa threw her head back and gripped John's chest and yielded to his bucking assault just to hold on!
"Yes! God, pound that pussy! Fill it up with your Christmas cheer!" Kelly wailed, the shocks of orgasm already jolting through her own core. Lisa's breathed labored, her belly stretching with the shaft of Kelly's husband, and soon to round with his newest baby. The bells about Lisa's garter belt shuddered out their tinkling approval, jingling faster now as her sleighride neared its climax.
John groaned even louder as his actual wife grasped his balls. A weeks worth of cum roiled around inside them - Kelly had made sure of that. And now all that virile spunk was eager to get out, to launch right into the warm, wet pussy now so eagerly seizing about him. A gentle squeeze and tug was all it took to bring out John's own desperate growl, and for his dick to spasm and jerk inside Lisa tight hole.
The cheating pair connected hard, again and again, sounding like a mad tambourine between the harsh spanks of Lisa's ass and the desperate tink-tinkling of her elfish outfit. No longer did she need Kelly's encouragements. Her own eyes had screwed shut, head lifting back so fast that her elfish cap fell by the wayside. Her whole being focused on the ride, on the heat building up in her like a fireplace about to receive the whole of John's big, loaded chestnuts.
"Oohh, you're definitely on my naughty list!" John howled out, "And now to stuff your stocking full this year!"
One last thrust drove home into Lisa, and by instinct the woman brought herself down at just the same moment. Santa had come to town. Kelly slapped her hand over Lisa's mouth the moment her husband began to cum. Her best friend wailed into Kelly's palm and arched back into Kelly the sensation of a week's worth of cum blasting up into her needy twat. Kelly came too, her own cream drooling down the back of her best friend's thigh.
But a different need possessed her. She had to feel it. Kelly ripped her hand from her own spasming pussy and slapped it across her friend's stomach. Lower down, right above her pelvis and beneath her fingers, she felt her own husband's dick throbbing inside her best friend. Each jet of pent-up jizz inside her thudded like the prancing of reindeer hooves, turning her jiggling womb into a bowl full of babymaking jelly.
It took some time before the jing-jingle of bells finally came to a rest. Once again, save for the heavy breathing of the mated pair and Kelly's supressed squeals of joy, it was a silent night. It took a nudge and a giddy kiss on the cheek to rouse Lisa from her orgasmic stupor. When she lifted, oh so reluctantly from the most magnificent cock she'd ever experienced, her pussylips frothed thicker than eggnog.
Leaving John panting and recovering in his own Christmas bliss, the two naughty girls scampered off into the hall to the sound of Lisa's sleigh bells. and out of earshot of their satisfied Santa stud.
"Oh... oh... there's so much!" Lisa panted, one hand clutching at her naked breast and the other cupping between her thighs.
"Mhmm, and there'll be a lot more where that came from."
"Don't you mean if it doesn't work?"
"If? There is no if with John," Kelly smiled a most impish smile. A quick kiss on her friend's still-blushing cheek and a little wink brought her once hesitant friend to smile herself.
"Now!" Kelly put her friend's green cap back on and straightened her own red hat, "You've been having all the fun so far, but Mrs. Claus has got a ride of her own to enjoy!"
Lisa couldn't get another word in edgewise - Kelly was shooing her away with all the urgency of a wife having spent the last half an hour watching another play with her presents! A quick nod in thanks and Lisa was off to the bathroom, no doubt to clothe herself and return to her actual husband, but not before ensuring every drop of cum went right where it belonged.
Kelly sauntered back to the bedroom, stripping off her thong along the way. Never before had she felt as sexy as she did now. She just studded her husband out and watched him inseminate her friend. Already she was imagining Lisa filling out like she did, and for not the last time either. When her knees fell on the bed and she snuggled up close to her still-blindfolded husband, she nuzzled up against his neck.
"Mmmm, miss your little helper, honey?"
"Oh yeah. It's cold without my Mrs. Claus here, baby." he chuckled back, rubbing his scruffy cheek against her forehead. Kelly giggled, taking his half-limp cock back in hand. It was easy to stroke, so covered in her friend's juices. It made the horny wife crave a warm glass of eggnog slushing gulp by gulp into her hungry belly.
"Well I'll be warming you up again, Mr. Claus..." Kelly slunk down, kissing up the little droplets of milk she'd left across his chest until her lips clasped around his messy cock. The taste of their successful mating poured down her throat like a savory Christmas gravy.
"Mmm... you're such a naughty girl, you know..." John moaned and leaned back into the pillows, sighing as his loyal wife slurped on his straightening candy cane.
"Oh?" she said with a little pop of her lips, "Why's that?"
"Because I wonder... why am I hearing my little helper's sleigh bells prancing down the hallway still?"
The End
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