Illustrated Interracial Compilations

As a fan, sponsor, and contributor of Illustrated Interracial for years, I've made a few collage-style pictures that sum up some of my favorite stories in Fobb's comic catalog. Each is comprised of some of my favorite panels in each story, and give some delectable hints as to what naughtiness unfolds in each tale. While I have posted these at the topic headers over on my Official Illustrated Interracial Fan Forum on Reddit, I thought to share them over here as well. Enjoy!

Also, I am extremely excited to mention that my fan-fiction continuation of the BBN story series, written a few years ago under the name The Black Breeding Network Ep. 1, has just recently become the subject of Fobb's next comic project! It already looks extremely promising, and I am so excited to seeing its development. If it turns out Fobbs and our shared viewers enjoy it a great deal, I'll find some time to write the next episode to it from the old notes I have on the subject.

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